Minecraft refers to a sandbox video game that was designed by Swedish designer known as Markus “Notch” Persson. Mojang published the game. The video game is such creative that allows players to build with a variety of different cubes in a three-dimensional world generated procedurally. The game also involves other activities such as the gathering of resources combat crafting and exploration. Other events in the game include exploration, resource gathering,crafting, and combat. The game comprises of multiple modes that include a survival mode, creative mode, adventure mode and spectator mode all these having specific rules guiding them. The game consists of several versions of the pc version having a scene for modding which has the capabilities of enabling users to create everything required for the game. Minecraft has been praised by both its lovers and critics and has won many awards. The game was popularised through numerous product promotion methods such as social media, parodies, Minecon adaptations, and merchandise. Due to its popularity, the game is used in educational activities in the areas of computing systems.
Minecraft servers are large computers that are connecting players to play games, on Minecraft. Anybody knowing how to play the game can host a server and subsequently allow other players to join when the server is standard Minecraft. Many Minecraft servers have been modified with unique modes like skyforge which is liked and played by many people around the globe.
Below is Minecraft server list displaying some of the Minecraft servers that exist in the world and which can be accessed and be played online. Each server is accompanied by its Ip address and associated features linked to the servers

Minecraft KnockbackFFA Servers

Rank Name Server Players Status
1 JewelCraft Network


0/0 online
2 SwacrewNET


Minecraft Minigames Netzwerk

0/0 online
3 Asolia.net


MiniGames Netzwerk fast ohne laggs

0/500 online
4 TeamHoly.DE


49/125 online
5 SpairCloud


SpairCloud.tk ist ein deutschsprachiges Trainings-Netzwerk. Auf unserem Server könnt ihr BedWars, SkyWars, KnockFFA, GetDown und CraftIT spielen. Wenn wir euch mit dieser kurzen Beschreibung überzeugt haben joint gern auf unseren Server und macht euch ein Bild von unserem Server.

0/0 offline
6 Velance


Velance Minigames Network 1.8.x

0/200 online
7 DeathRush


#1 Russian Reduce Server.

2/50 online
8 InTrouble


We are a german practice Network with game modes like Bedwars, Bridge, KnockbackFFA and Clutches.

61/200 online
9 » PracticeMC x 1.8-1.18 «


PracticeMC.ga -MLGRush -KnockFFA - WaterFight - Nice Community - Nice Features - Professional Team

0/0 online
10 QntixDE | Training 1.8 | 1.18


QntixDE Das Trainingsnetzwerk das auf der 1.8 bis zur 1.18 verfügbar ist.. Joine jetzt auf unseren Server. Wir haben vor ein paar Tagen uns entschlossen ein riesiges Trainingsnetzwerk zu veröffentlichen, Wir hoffen das du interesse haben wirst bei uns rein zu joinen.

0/0 offline
11 Farise.fun


0/0 online
12 TeamKaos.gomc.fun


We have tons of modes, great administration, and a friendly atmosphere!

0/0 online
13 Vantaria.eu



0/0 online
14 CWLounge


0/0 offline


0/0 offline